"just one more skein, please, and then I'll stop, really." (mmm, Schaefer Lola, sadly discontinued...)
But the socks is done and I'm in the process of adding it all into my stash area. Next I'll do the laceweight, then the Noro (a category all its own!), then the sweater amounts, and finally, the WIPS. Maybe I'll get a wild hair and actually rip some of the poor devils out of their misery. I have somehow lost my enthusiasm for the slip-stitch cat blanket knitted out of acrylic mohair-y stuff. I think it last saw action in 2003?
One thing Rav does is really rev up my enthusiasm for all things fiber, especially knitting. I spent a whole lotta time at the wheel during the fall and not so much knitting, and have another big spinning project to get done, but I am rediscovering the joy and meditation of the needles rather than the wheel. Funny how that goes round; gotta jump on it when it does.